專業會計碩士(Master of Professional Accounting,簡稱MPAcc )是經教育部、國務院學位辦批準設立的一種專業學位。是培養具有良好職業道德,系統掌握現代會計理論與實務以及相關領域的知識與技能,具備會計工作領導能力的高素質會計人才。
① 18: Minimum age citizens must be to vote 18歲:英國公民參加投票的最低年齡限制 ② £6 million: Maximum amount groups can spend on official referendum campaigns 600萬英鎊:各種團體可用于正式投票活動的最高數額 ③ 1975: Last time Britain had a referendum on the EU (or the 'Common Market' as it was then called) 1975年:英國最近一次“脫歐”公投的時間,以決定是否繼續留在歐洲經濟共同體。 ④ 67%: Percentage of the 1975 electorate who chose to stay in 67%:1975年公投中,支持英國繼續留在歐洲共同體的選民比例。 ⑤ 65%: Turnout in 1975 referendum 65%:1975年公投投票率。 ⑥ £12.9 billion: Amount the UK paid to the EU in 2015 after rebate taken into account 129億英鎊:2015年英國向歐盟納稅共計129億英鎊(折扣后)。 ⑦ 7: Number of ministers who attend David Cameron's Cabinet meetings who want to leave the EU 7:英國首相卡梅倫內閣中支持脫歐的大臣人數。 ⑧ 150: Number of Conservative MPs expected to back Brexit 150:據估計支持脫歐的保守黨議員人數。 ⑨ 2.7 million: Number of people born in another EU country who now live in the UK according to Migration Watch 270萬:根據“移民觀察”組織的數據,生于其他歐盟國家、現居英國的人數。 ⑩FAQ:What is the EU referendum? “脫歐”公投問答: What does "Brexit" stand for? "Brexit"(“脫歐”)是什么意思? The term is a commonly-used abbreviation for British exit from the EU. "Brexit"是“英國退出歐盟”的簡寫。 How will it be decided? 如何決定? The decision hangs on the result of a national referendum, currently being prepared by the government. 根據英國公投結果確定,目前英國政府正為此做準備。 When will the referendum be held? 公投時間? The referendum will be held on Thursday. 全民公投將在6月23日舉行。 What will the question be? 公投問題是什么? The question will ask: 'Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?' 問題是:“英國應該繼續留在歐盟,還是退出歐盟?” What is the expected result? 結果會怎樣? Most polls show the British public is roughly evenly divided about the country's future in the EU, with a slight bias towards staying. 大多數民調顯示,英國公眾中,支持脫歐與支持留歐的比例基本持平,支持留在歐盟的比例略微多一點。
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